
HUGHES' DREAM HARLEM: Documentary Narrated by Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee

Start Date(s) & Time
February 2024
Complimentary - Donations Appreciated!
Audience Category
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANGSTON HUGHES, FEB. 1, 2024 - NHTG presents Hughes' Dream Harlem, directed by Jamal Joseph, Executive Artistic Director, New Heritage Theatre Group

A FUNDRAISER for sustained programming of the nonprofit producer

Langston Hughes was one of the most prominent figures of the Harlem Renaissance and is often referred to as Harlem's poet laureate. This film shows how Hughes successfully fused jazz, blues and common speech to celebrate the beauty of Black life. Hughes' Dream Harlem presents a vision of the esteemed poet in present-day Harlem and makes an important case for Hughes' impact on hip-hop and the spoken-word community.

This multi-layered documentary includes round-table discussions of his contributions and a tour of Hughes' Harlem hang-outs. The distinguished actor/activist Ossie Davis offers the narration in his soulful baritone, while his wife and collaborator, the renowned Ruby Dee, reflects on Hughes' life with such notable personalities as poet Sonia Sanchez and music industry icon Damon Dash. The artists testify to his continuing impact on their work and his steadfast racial pride and artistic independence. Hughes' Dream Harlem will inspire students to discover Hughes' work while encouraging them to pursue their own writing.

Any donation helps to support ongoing programming and productions of New Heritage Theatre Group, the oldest Black theatre company in the State of New York. Thank You!
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Presented By
New Heritage Theatre Group
Video Producer 
Jamal Joseph
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